
China can not be conquered by the occupation, nor interested to the United States kowtow

China can not be conquered by the occupation, nor interested to the United States kowtow

The United States, "Huffington Post" March 6 article, the original title: the United States must live in peace with the dominant countries rarely hand over. When the British reluctantly accepted the rise of the United States, the European continent refused to make concessions to emerging Germany. Now, the United States in China around the construction base, the deployment of the army. Washington continues to keep in charge of the whole earth, set rules, give orders to other countries, the world is increasingly reluctant to cooperate. Beijing is certainly not interested in kowtowing to the United States.
Since the end of the cold war, the United States has been the most aggressive country, accustomed to the threat or against the weak military, such as Haiti, Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Islamic countries ... ... but often the outcome is not ideal, The United States)
If the war with China, the results will be much worse. China has nuclear weapons, although the number is far less than the United States, but enough for any hit countries caused large-scale damage. People's Liberation Army is not a touch on the opponent, China is too big, can not conquer, occupation and remodeling.
The international environment is also detrimental to the United States. The Obama administration has completely changed the strategic opening of Nixon to China, and the result has pushed Russia together to the United States. At the same time, US allies and Chinese neighbors are not keen on conflict with China. Worse, even if the United States wins, it will also conceal the hidden dangers of future conflicts.
Beijing and Washington need to look to the future and choose a different path. The United States should learn from Britain's strategy of the rise of the United States - wisely choose peace and keep important partnerships so far.
Unfortunately, the Trump government seems determined to trigger a trade war, which is fueled by US-China relations. Former CIA director James Woolsey proposed that the United States accept China's political and social system in exchange for Beijing's commitment not to challenge the status quo in Asia. But from the Chinese point of view, this is not a deal. Despite China's insecurity, the United States is unable to subvert China. For a country that is emerging, economic and military forces may eventually match the United States, it is intolerable for the United States to dominate its surroundings.
Washington is almost in the foolish self-confrontation. There is no fundamental conflict of interest in the United States, China does not threaten to invade the United States or to seize its Pacific assets. In fact, it was precisely that China was surrounded by potential rivals, and several of them were supported by Washington. Just think, if the United Kingdom on the United States on how to deal with Cuba and other countries issued orders, if the British in Mexico, Canada and other places to set up a base, if the British from Europe to mobilize the military to the Americas "to" ... ... the reaction of the United States is certainly not polite

